People may not be aware that Falmouth, England, and Falmouth, Jamaica have a deep historical connection. The town was founded by Thomas Reid in 1769 during Jamaica's colonial period under the British Empire, named after the town in which Reid was born. To raise awareness, Falmot was created.
Falmot is a concept food truck aimed at fostering a connection between the two towns by encouraging the audience to form friendships amongst themselves while bringing a piece of Jamaican culture to Cornwall.

'Falmot' is the pronunciation of Falmouth in Patois, an English-based creole language, spoken primarily in Jamaica and among the Jamaican diaspora. A majority of the non-English words in Patois come from the West African Akan language. It is spoken by the majority of Jamaicans as a native language.

Below are the graphical assets I used throughout the design process, the postage stamp of Queen Elizabeth II shows that there is an aspect of delivery service. The symbol is familiar to English and Jamaican citizens.
The second is of a Georgian window, Falmouth, Jamaica, is known for its Georgian architecture and pays homage to it.
The last two are foods you’ll find at the stand: Red Snapper and patties. These inclusions link well with not only Jamaican culture but Cornish/ Falmouth too as both places are known for their fishing and famous pastries.

The Falmot food container is in the shape of a boat and is reminiscent of boats found in Jamaica.

Other than being a food truck, Falmot has a pen pal service that customers can apply to online in which they can exchange forms of communication. This can either be a resident of Falmouth in Jamaica or a fellow customer etc. In addition, there will be a letter along with the food order that will encourage the customer to talk about their experiences with their pen pal.